"Our Town, Our Spirit, Our Hope"
- Joyce McAloon, 2017 Relay for Life, SouthingtonTeam Captain
Today’s Appleseed pulls together the threads of many great stories about our Southington community, its people, and the richly woven fabric of the enormous capacity of a town to genuinely care about others.
Four weeks from now at 4:00 pm on Friday, June 2, 2017, one of Southington’s most attended annual events will hold its opening ceremony of Southington's Relay for Life at the Southington H.S. Community Field.
World-wide, RFL is the signature fundraiser for the American Cancer Society, staffed and coordinated by volunteers of more than 5,200 communities in 27 countries.
Volunteers give of their time and effort inspired by realization that it's time to take action against cancer, one of the worst scourges of humankind.
RFL is a team fundraising event. Teams and all who come may take turns walking around the field’s track which is lined with loving luminaries. The Relay continues through the night and all day Saturday until closing ceremonies. Cancer never sleeps and Cancer survivors (patients) do not stop in their battle with cancer. But all during the Relay, the spirit of celebration is as strong as its sense of purpose with thousands joining in the validation of a healing yet joyously spirited common cause.

“We’ve been busy planning lots of new and exciting activities this year and a few surprises, but we'll also continue with the traditions
of nearly 20 years of Southington RFL”, said Town Team Captain, Joyce McAloon. “Team tents will be easier to visit and provide opportunities for all to enjoy the camaraderie, live music, entertainment, and the vendors offering food and beverages.
McAloon is proud of RFL’s 2017 theme: ‘Our Town, Our Spirit, Our Hope’. “When it comes to supporting for RFL, whether it’s walking, doing some of the thousand tasks preparing for the event, raising money and donating, our town never says ‘no’. “, McAloon said. “That’s why I am honored and proud to be a part of our town”.
With a 2017 goal of $106,000, Team Southington has raised $36,765.34 with 35 days to go. Teams organize various activities, events and promotions. Through the combined power of dozens of Southington RFL teams, the support comes through. Don’t wait for someone to call you or knock on your door asking for a donation.
Anyone living in this world must have had some contact within their family or circle of friends who succumbed from cancer or are survivors. So, please, be proactive in this battle of our times.
With too many teams to mention all, here are the three leading fundraisers through April 25th: Team Goralski, $10,101; Scutch’s Squad, $8,110 and Jean’s Angels In Action Against Cancer, $2,440.
Jean's Angels in Action Against Cancer 2015 |
I was deeply moved by a letter from Jean Rose, Captain of Jean’s Angels a few weeks ago: “Back in the early spring of 2003, I wrote my first ‘letter of appeal’, hoping to receive support in my new venture as a Team Captain for the Southington Relay for Life. I was learning to live as a cancer survivor, and trying to find a way to start ‘paying forward’ all that had been done for me as I was going through the physical and emotional turmoil that just the “C” word itself causes. I was nervous and intimidated by the thought of asking for donations from those who were in my life but I knew how important raising money for research was and my desire to make a difference was stronger than the fears of asking. And so, ‘Jean’s Angels in Action Against Cancer was born.’
Here we are now in 2017. I’m celebrating my 15th year and am so grateful to you for your financial and moral support. Your strength, your courage and your passion are cancer’s true enemy as we push forward together in change the face of cancer forever.”
Now, Domino's Pizza is helping Jean's Angels in the fight against cancer this year. Make a purchase at Domino's Pizza at 200 Main Street or order a take out, which can be delivered, EVERY TUESDAY IN MAY from 10:30 am to Midnight and just mention Jean's Angels" when ordering. Domino's will make a donation to American Cancer Socie through Jean's Angels each time you order.
Domino’s Pizza is located at 200 Main Street, carryout or delivered, (860-620-9500), any or all Tuesdays in May, from 10:30 ‘til Midnight. Mention “Jean’s Angels” when ordering and Domino’s will make a donation to the American Cancer Society.